World of Warships (known as WoW) is a naval action themed massively multiplayer online game produced and published by You heard of a very famous game by Wargaming that is World of Tanks (WoT) which is a massively multiplayer online game based on tanks (World War 1 and 2).
I have played both games WoW and WoT, I experienced some difficulty in understanding the UI and play style of WoT but when I started playing WoW, it seems very simple to understand the mechanics of the game like UI, gameplay, etc. The game has vast immersive contents on warships like destroyer, cruisers, battleships and aircraft carriers.
Some of the ships from the game:
Battleship( ship name: Yamato)
Aircraft Carrier( ship name: Essex)
Destroyer( ship name: Kitakami)
For downloading the game, please Click Here
By clicking the "Click Here" you will go to the registration page and there will be link for downloading the game. When you login in the game and play battles you will get the following items in the game for free:
1. DIANA CRUISER TIER 2 premium ship
You will get this ship when you play your first battle.It comes with a free port and a commander with 3 skills.
2. TEXAS BATTLESHIP TIER 5 premium ship
You will get this when you play your first Random battle with Tier 6 ships(premium ships does count). It comes with a free port and a commander with 3 skills and additional rewards:
- Port Slot x1
- 3,000,000 Credits(in game currency)
- 80,000 Free XP(use wisely)
- 25 of every type of signal(use wisely)
If you want these ships, credits and free xp then go through above link and complete your registration😎😎
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